Ranter's CornerStuck in Microsoft Hell


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 From:  william  
 To:  ALL

I suppose it happens to everybody sometimes - and to be fair, I've been stuck in dependency hell with Linux in the past - it's just that I didn't have so much invested in keeping the computer running then.


It all started when I downloaded a free audiobook (Grauniad offer - Down and out in Paris and London) from Audible UK. So it's an .aa file. I stick it into iTunes to record a CD for the car and iTunes won't see my burner. OK. 45 minutes on Google and it's looking like Daemon Tools and its driver are the culprits. Delete the driver, uninstall Daemon Tools. Wowzer! That did something odd because up pops the unlocker app to ask whether I want help deleting a file on a RAM disk in my DVD/RAM writer. No thanks, hit cancel, reboot. Only it hangs on the restart without loading Windows. OK, reboot again. This time NTLDR not found. Oh shit (I think) my drive's stuffed, or else the boot sector is - or both. So, I give the PC a rest and grab some OJ and lemonade. Back to it and this time it reboots OK - sort of. It actually reboots into the Windows Activation Screen. Apparently, I've changed so much hardware that my old copy of XP must be reactivated. Which is odd, as the only 'hardware' change in the last 6 months has been a virtual CD drive.


Been at this nearly 3 hours by now - it's not funny.


Problem is, when I try to follow the activation process, the first screen is just a blank white box without any buttons or anything. Oh yes, and it won't die and it hangs the PC.


So I boot past this, selecting NO for activating. Try to activate from within Windows. Still no dice.


Spend nearly 3 more hours trying every fix, work around, official MS advice I can find. None of it works. Even reinstalled SP3. Possibly a repair install would do it, but then this has been patched up to SP3 so my old XP CD won't cooperate.


On the phone to MS. Of course they're all geared up for a working activation process. Fortunately I remember that if you don't key in any numbers when asked, you eventually get a real person. I explain politely. The real person say exactly this 'I'm sorry I can't help you, thanks for calling Microsoft' and he hangs up on me.


I try again. They still can't help, but refer me to MS support - open in 2 days. Time left to acyivate, 2 days,



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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  william     
37697.2 In reply to 37697.1 
A virtual CD drive? WTF is that, a drive to play virtual CDs? :?

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
37697.3 In reply to 37697.2 

GIVE ME MEAT! :@ msg:37418.1
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 From:  william  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
37697.4 In reply to 37697.2 
Things like Daemon tools and MagicDisc which allow Windows users to mount disk images (iso etc.) so that it just looks like another cd or dvd drive. Especially useful for certain games etc.

Most Linux distros have it built in these days.
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 From:  william  
 To:  william     
37697.5 In reply to 37697.4 
Also, I've calmed down a bit now. It really was an amazing sequence of each step failing and leading to another step failing - I only included the low-lights. The final straw was the clown at the MS call centre who really did listen to my very polite explanation and then gabbled a mouthful of words before hanging up.

I've slipstreamed an SP3 installation disk to do a repair install. If that doesn't work I'll just have to bring forward my plan to install W7.
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 From:  william  
 To:  william     
37697.6 In reply to 37697.5 
Now I'm trying really hard to stay calm and not throw the PC through the window. Of course I forgot about the 'Press F6' bollocks to add SATA drivers etc. during XP's installation. And can I find any for my ancient KN1 SLI Lite? Can I buggery. Unless I can figure out how to extract the ones I want from a bloody huge zip file that wants to install every motherboard driver under the sun.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  william     
37697.7 In reply to 37697.6 
My sympathies are with you. How's it going?

My various comps have recently suffered a rash of accusations that the Windows OS is pirated which, given that it's about the only software on the machines that isn't, is a bit galling.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  william     
37697.8 In reply to 37697.4 
OIC (not really)

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  william  
 To:  Manthorp     
37697.9 In reply to 37697.7 
It's going as badly as it could be. Now that the correct HDD drivers are unavailable in a form that will conveniently fit on a floppy, I have at least managed to achieve this by working out what's needed from the multi-meg download that is available.

Hooray, SETUP can now see the SATA drive that the PC boots from quite happily every day.

Boo, SETUP cannot see the installation of Windows on that SATA drive.

After a while, you start to lose track of what it was you were trying to do in the first place. And yes, I'm getting royally hacked off with all the messages 'Our system doesn't work YOU must be using counterfeit software.'

I have a feeling that this latest issue is to do with the position of my Windows on the disks, but I could be wrong. I'm reluctant to experiment too much in case SETUP fucks up the drive letter thing. Windows is currently assigned to F and I'm not clear what consequences would follow from temporarily removing all but the System hard disk to see if that will get it see Windows.

To rub salt in to the wounds, or acid in the eyes, or whatever, my Samsung netbook is starting to do its white screen thing again.
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 From:  william  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
37697.10 In reply to 37697.8 
Was that a real not really or a pretend not really?

Chances are you don't give a stuff either way?
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  william     
37697.11 In reply to 37697.9 
((((Big Willy))))

These things just compound upon themselves, don't they? Are you heading towards a clean reinstall?

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  william  
 To:  Manthorp     
37697.12 In reply to 37697.11 
Not sure I can. This is the end of a series of upgrades (clean installs but I had the previous disks) and I don't know how far back my predecessor disks go now, having lost a few over the years.

Since I can't make SETUP see my current installation I'm a tad stuffed, even for installing into another partition.

It really is quite incredible that XP SETUP has a strategy that prevents it seeing an installation of Windows when a PC can boot straight into it with no problem at all.

Since the Windows 7 I was proposing to install is an upgrade, I'm beginning to wonder whether even this will be possible if that can't see Windows on my PC.

Maybe I'll put together a BART type disk and see if anything can be done that way.
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  william     
37697.13 In reply to 37697.12 
Plenty of guides for using Windows 7 upgrade edition to do a clean install.

I recommend you do that rather than potentially make things worse by trying to rescue XP.


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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  william     
37697.14 In reply to 37697.12 
I've had issues in the past whilst trying to do a repair install with SETUP not finding the windows installation. I think it could be something to do with not using the original (or identical) install CD (jimmed or otherwise).
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 From:  william  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
37697.15 In reply to 37697.14 
Well, this is a slipstreamed disk using the original. To add to the list of totally pitiful features in this, the Recovery Console finds the installation straight away and a scan even finds an installation within my BartPE folder.

I now think that nothing on God's earth will make a) the Windows Activation dialog work or b) a repair install work. I have tried about 20 different things each.

I am now seeing whether an upgrade install will work starting in Windows. I'm quite prepared for it to fail on the reboot.
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 From:  william  
 To:  william     
37697.16 In reply to 37697.15 
Now I don't get a little white window when I try to activate - I get nothing at all. Time for Windows 7 I think. :C
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 From:  william  
 To:  william     
37697.17 In reply to 37697.16 
Done it.

Apparently the 'nothing happens at all' thing was a different problem. Some bloke on the internet said it was a result of going back to IE6 with the repair. Install IE8 and it will be fixed. I did. It was.

No it's activated. Pity about the 3000 updates to go back on.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  william     
37697.18 In reply to 37697.17 
All's tolerable that ends tolerable.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 To:  william     
37697.19 In reply to 37697.17 
You're welcome.

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 From:  william  
37697.20 In reply to 37697.19 

Thank you so much for just being there.


Incidentally, whereabouts in Toronto do you live?

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