
Groups: Forum Leader
Posts: 18467
Registered: Unknown
Member No.: #94
Last Visit: 25 Dec 2023 18:40
Birthday: 3 Jun
User's Local Time: 27 Jul 2024 11:14
Status: Inactive / Offline
Total Post Rating: +153
Votes Cast: 688 total, 2 down - 686 up
How many shirts do you prefer? one especially good one
Location Keighley, West Yorkshire
Quote You're a long time dead.
Occupation Director, Manthorp ACT Ltd.

Yahoo Messenger Manthorp
MSN Messenger Manthorp

Favourite Food Bread
Browser Chrome
Last album bought The Foals - Total Life Forever
Game mainly playing Oblivion
Book currently reading Love & Sex with Robots
Last film watched Final Destination 3d (it was shit)

Computer Tech
Ask me about Artfaggery and things that happened a long, long time ago
Motherboard Asus M2N32-SLI deluxe
Internet Connection 12mb cable broadband
Monitor and resolution 3x Samsung TFT (1280x1024)
OS Windows 7 64bit
GFX GeForce 8800GTS PCI-E and 7300GT PCI
HD 2x Maxtor 300GB 7200RPM SATA/150
RAM Corsair 4GB DDR XMS4000PT 2xTwinX
CPU AMD Phenom II 64bit

Other Hardware
Camera Fuji Finepix s5600
Transportation Mazda T2
Personal music system Samsung YPK5