
Groups: Registered
Posts: 3350
Registered: Unknown
Member No.: #76
Last Visit: 10:26
Birthday: 1 Nov
User's Local Time: 27 Jul 2024 11:04
Status: Inactive / Offline
Total Post Rating: +13
Votes Cast: 2 total, 0 down - 2 up
Location London, England, UK, Earth, Terra System
Gender Male
Quote Just because it's your brain doesn't mean it's on your side.

MSN Messenger voltane@hotmail.com
Skype ID thevoltane
XBL GamerTag Voltane
Steam Community ID Voltane, voltane@hotmail.com
MySpace voltane

Do you like biscuits? I like some of them
Browser Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Last album bought Cthonic - Bu Tik
Game mainly playing GTA V
Book currently reading Paul of Dune
Last film watched Thor: The Dark World
What is the last thing you retained? Water

Computer Tech
Ask me about MAB, Lilies on Mars
Motherboard MSI
Internet Connection TalkTalk ADSL
Monitor and resolution 19" Dell, 1248x1024
OS Win7 Home
GFX Geforce 285GTX
HD 1x350GB, 1x500GB
CPU AMD Phenom 2 955 Black Edition

Other Hardware
Console XBox 360, Wii U, 3DS, PS3.
Phone Samsung Galaxy S2