Groups: Registered
Posts: 4978
Registered: Unknown
Member No.: #101
Last Visit: 9 Oct 2020 02:12
User's Local Time: 27 Jul 2024 11:00
Status: Inactive / Offline
Total Post Rating: +5
Votes Cast: 3 total, 0 down - 3 up
How many shirts do you prefer? One at a time
Location Brentwood, Essex, UK
Occupation IT Manager

Facebook ID pncool
Twitter pncool

Favourite Food Lots
Do you like biscuits? I like some of them
Browser Firefox
Last album bought You mean actually paying for music?
Game mainly playing Battlefield Heroes - It's silly but fun
Last film watched Greenfingers (it was on TV)

Computer Tech
Ask me about Anything
Motherboard Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
Internet Connection 24Mbps ADSL
Monitor and resolution 1280x1024
OS Windows XP Pro
GFX ATi 9800 Pro
HD A 300GB SATA Maxtor, a 250GB SATA Maxtor & others
RAM 1024MB Corsair PC3200 CAS2
CPU AMD Athlon Barton 3200+

Other Hardware
Console Amiga CD32
Camera Canon EOS 400D with expensive lenses
Transportation Modified Fiesta and a Peugeot 306 DTurbo
Phone HTC TyTn II (I must get around to buying a Desire)