GeneralJune Meat

 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  ALL

Who wants to eat my meat in that London on Saturday 24th June?

Me! Me! Me!: 5 Votes (38.46%)
Dan (HERMAND), milko, Peter (BOUGHTONP), Rich, Serg (NUKKLEAR)
Would love to but I am holidaying in my penthouse condo in Carmel: 2 Votes (15.38%)
arq (ARQUETURUS), graphitone
Ditto but I am ground down by the oppressive hand of my wagemaster: 4 Votes (30.77%)
Gobfounded (YVE), Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ), koswix, Voltane
I'll get back to you: 0 Votes (0.00%)
IAN RaBbiT Poo: 2 Votes (15.38%)
Mouse, Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)