Music, Film, TV & BooksStarship Troopers (1997) TWR


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Humanity under bug siege and communicating via Zoom calls? Impocerous.

“Social media manipulation affects even US senators”
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
42729.2 In reply to 42729.1 
I quite enjoyed this. Would you like to know more?

Watching it again, it's almost unbelievable that some audiences didn't realise that it's a satire and either loved it or hated it depending on their politics. But then again, Robert Heinlein was a real hotchpotch of views and opinions. 

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He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
42729.3 In reply to 42729.2 
I felt it was a bit on the fence (straight up matinee entertainment, vs. satire), Robocop was much more clearly drawn. Entertaining AF though. The cast, them that had any chops, mostly dialed it in, including Michael Ironside. He was lot more committed in (e.g.) The Last Chapter. Denise Richards was painfully earnest -- satire? FX were pretty cool, but the plot was forgettable, stock scifi war movie.
“Social media manipulation affects even US senators”
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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
42729.4 In reply to 42729.2 
As far as that (satire) goes, I felt Screamers was far more effective, and better scifi to boot (and it also had scifi satire A-lister, robocop's Peter Weller). Must try to find that again.

“Social media manipulation affects even US senators”
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