Music, Film, TV & BooksDunkirk (2017) TWR


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Small, coincidental dramas miss the big picture in meh smorgasbord.

“Thousands of Bots Are Retweeting Claims of Voter Fraud In Kentucky”
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
42504.2 In reply to 42504.1 
Yeah, this is another one that splits opinions. Some people I know were raving about how brilliant it was, but after I'd seen it, my thoughts were that it was quite good but failed to focus enough on each individual thread so I never got over the feeling that it was a load of extras and a handful of actors staging an enormous re-enactment. I was particularly disappointed having shelled out for me and Mrs WilliamA and her parents to see it at a nearby Imax, which was eye-wateringly expensive.
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
42504.3 In reply to 42504.2 
I found it somewhat amazing that an epic film focused on so few characters with so little character development, but a fuckload of sky and beach. Each and every one was a caricature.

...not a good look on the small screen.
“Thousands of Bots Are Retweeting Claims of Voter Fraud In Kentucky”
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
42504.4 In reply to 42504.3 
Caricature???? How can that be with Kenneth Branagh doing his very best "In Which We Serve" acting. All it needed for perfection was the Wilhelm scream.
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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