I have a photo of a printed spreadsheet of names and numbers, which I figured would be a piece of piss to run through OCR and get back into useful data, but it turns out not. :(
Giving the image to Tesseract-OCR it can detect the names fine - can't see any errors in any of the letters - but for some of the numbers it's doing a ridiculously bad job, even after processing the image to increase contrast and make things completely unambiguous, I still get "ns" in place of "118", or when the numbers are "0 124 97 221" it provides "Q 124 on eel"
Anyone know of OCR that can actually detect digits? Or even just something which behaves consistently - I can easily de-1337 if it simply mis-identifies - but not when "ee" might represent 77 or 84 or something else entirely! :@ |