Games (inc Online)Far Cry 4 $11.99 on Humble


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 From:  Manthorp  
42251.208 In reply to 42251.207 
Another great drug-addled set piece is the John Woo-influenced shootout in the brick works/drug factory, where as you shoot the sacks, your vision becomes increasingly psychedelic and Panjabi MC's Jogi, his wonderful remix of the Bollywood classic Mundian to Bach Ke, kicks in.

For me, in that context, the music blended perfectly. Aceeeed, as the young ones used to say.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42251.209 In reply to 42251.208 
I wouldn't mind seeing it remastered against latest engine, along with various other tweaks, such as: give Min and the Minions more airtime, with more meaningful player interactions, and remove mandatory side-missions (such as Shangri-La) -- this also applies in spades to FC5.

Not likely, though.  :-(
“The commission posted a video of a child being pulled under the treadmill. (Warning: this video may be disturbing to some.)”
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 From:  Manthorp  
42251.210 In reply to 42251.209 
I dipped into the Vortex VR hack.

Being there was wonderful, but it didn't use the HTC wands and natch you can't see the keyboard controls. If I'd learnt it on a gamepad, it might have been a goer. Also, non-VR optimised ports = motion sickness.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42251.211 In reply to 42251.210 
Looks pretty cool

If anyone is going to get motion sickness in gaming or riding a tightly-sprung auto through rolling hills, it's me.  (puke)
Short of some instruction on this matter, we are reduced to primal screams.
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