Music, Film, TV & BooksBatman Assault on Arkham (2014) TWR


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Animated! Batman! vs! Suicide! Squad! direct-to-video! bash! boof!

“Faith Goldy is polling at the same level as the guy in every local election who dresses up as a Wizard and promises to build Hogwarts. The only difference is that Faith smells worse than that guy, and Faith is a Nazi.”
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I've heard only bad things about Suicide Squad the movie. This animated version is actually pretty good, with great dialog, voice acting, and design. The actual animation was merely serviceable though. I should add though that Batman the character is predictable and boring AF. Mercifully, he had a relatively small role.
“Faith Goldy is polling at the same level as the guy in every local election who dresses up as a Wizard and promises to build Hogwarts. The only difference is that Faith smells worse than that guy, and Faith is a Nazi.”
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Started watching the live-action (vs. animated) Suicide Squad last night. Thus far (~20-minutes in) it's not nearly as bad as assorted critics painted it, though a bit less compelling than the animation, maybe because I already know the characters and their back stories from the animation. The dirty dozen/expendables trope hangs heavy over this one. Viola Davis dials it in, Batman is a cipher.
“making satanism appear normal”
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