Music, Film, TV & BooksNashville (1975) TWR


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 From:  Ericlkelly  
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Altman took what Howard Hawks started with rapid-fire overlapping dialogue, and using a fluid camera and advanced on-set sound recording, and pushed his actors toward ever more naturalistic performances. He threw away the stiff conventions of glossy Hollywood filmmaking, thrusting audiences into an immersive universe that was radical at the time and hugely influential. 

APPROVED: 16 Oct 2018 12:37 by MILKO

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 From:  milko  
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I'm impressed by how niche people will go to try and hawk a website doing essays for money.
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 To:  Ericlkelly     
42242.4 In reply to 42242.2 
You forgot the attribution...
“Faith Goldy is polling at the same level as the guy in every local election who dresses up as a Wizard and promises to build Hogwarts. The only difference is that Faith smells worse than that guy, and Faith is a Nazi.”
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