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 To:  milko     
42240.12 In reply to 42240.10 
She had a great roll in Nashville too, playing a ditzy hippie chick.
“Faith Goldy is polling at the same level as the guy in every local election who dresses up as a Wizard and promises to build Hogwarts. The only difference is that Faith smells worse than that guy, and Faith is a Nazi.”
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
42240.13 In reply to 42240.11 
Well, I'd agree with the first part of your proposition, but I'd say that it invoked " a strong sense of worry" when I first saw it rather than any kind of fear.

Sorry I didn't feel scared. If it's any consolation many of the films that have scared me have been pretty crap and I had no desire to see them again.

Edit: incidentally, this thread has prompted me to buy a copy of the Shining. 
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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