CodingES6 vs libraries


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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
42235.3 In reply to 42235.2 
Combined Oral Contraceptives? Canadian Opera Company?
“Faith Goldy is polling at the same level as the guy in every local election who dresses up as a Wizard and promises to build Hogwarts. The only difference is that Faith smells worse than that guy, and Faith is a Nazi.”
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 From:  Matt  
42235.4 In reply to 42235.1 
ES6 (ES2015) is JavaScript (technically, JavaScript is an implementation of EcmaScript) and it's already here.

There is also ES2016 (ES7), ES2017 (ES8) and ES2019 (ES9) all of which contain forthcoming features for JavaScript to implement.

Don't confuse ES6 with the removal of frameworks/libraries, it doesn't do away with them nor forbid them. It's rai·son d'ê·tre is to improve JavaScript to add functionality like document.querySelector that allow you to accomplish jQuery-like functionality without importing the entirety of jQuery, but there are still plenty of things that ES6 cannot do that jQuery can (more easily). To be clear, there is nothing stopping jQuery from still existing and making use of ES6 features if it wants to.

To summarise, ES6 is an evolution of JavaScript, not something to replace all your libraries.
Yeah, it has those pointy (=>) things.
These are called arrow-functions and they are awesome.


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 To:  Matt     
42235.5 In reply to 42235.4 
Yeah, I'm slowly getting my head around some of the features. And the unrelated do's and dont's of service workers. Like SWs don't do DOM stuff, and sw "modules" are sandboxed to hell (because security?).
“Faith Goldy is polling at the same level as the guy in every local election who dresses up as a Wizard and promises to build Hogwarts. The only difference is that Faith smells worse than that guy, and Faith is a Nazi.”
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