Games (inc Online)FarCry 3 Can.$8.83 on Steam next ~4-hours


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 From:  Manthorp  
42180.66 In reply to 42180.65 
Was FC3 the first one with a 'stop all bases are belong to you' button in the options menu?  It's always worth one or two pops.  Keeps the love alive.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42180.67 In reply to 42180.66 
Apparently you can reload the bases after completing the game (including the story) with the latest patch (1.05), which I believe I have, but AFAIK you can't before that. It doesn't reset any man/beast hunts you already completed though. I am already looking forward to replaying on a higher difficulty level -- after getting all the best weapons, I find it's unbalanced.
“Mitch McConnell, besides being a craven hypocrite, is also a vicious were-turtle, who, by the light of the full moon, develops a ravenous lust for fucking shoes, particularly old sweaty Crocs”
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 From:  Manthorp  
42180.68 In reply to 42180.67 
It does get unbalanced - and there's a pleasure in tearing through the last few bases - but yes, I did exactly the same; cranked up the animosity in the reruns

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42180.69 In reply to 42180.68 
I reckon it's the ability to take a base by sniping alone that makes it feel unbalanced.

Enjoying the sustained CQB firefights in the final missions, hated the phony knife "fight". I tried leaving the rocket launcher home, big mistake. Luckily I could pick one up here and there to deal with heavies. I even was able to gun down all the enemies (including three choppers, a bunch of jeeps with HMGs, and multiple RPG dudes) in the final helicopter escape on the first try.
“Mitch McConnell, besides being a craven hypocrite, is also a vicious were-turtle, who, by the light of the full moon, develops a ravenous lust for fucking shoes, particularly old sweaty Crocs”
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 From:  Manthorp  
42180.70 In reply to 42180.69 
Time for FC4. The moment your life has been leading up to.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 To:  Manthorp     
42180.71 In reply to 42180.70 
Gotta hone my sneakin around skills and get the bad taste of the ending out of my mouth. Pah!
“Mitch McConnell, besides being a craven hypocrite, is also a vicious were-turtle, who, by the light of the full moon, develops a ravenous lust for fucking shoes, particularly old sweaty Crocs”
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 To:  ALL
After resetting the bases (and losing all the fast-travels :-O ) I left the sniper rifle home and killed three pirates from close range using the "Shadow" suppressed pistol. I could've carried on without triggering the alarm, but I like bringing in reinforcements to these understaffed outposts.

Oh yeah, the ending was beyond stupid but, like, dude were on drugs :O) .
“Mitch McConnell, besides being a craven hypocrite, is also a vicious were-turtle, who, by the light of the full moon, develops a ravenous lust for fucking shoes, particularly old sweaty Crocs”
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 From:  graphitone  
42180.73 In reply to 42180.72 
Did you see both endings?
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 To:  graphitone     
42180.74 In reply to 42180.73 
One was enough.
“Mitch McConnell, besides being a craven hypocrite, is also a vicious were-turtle, who, by the light of the full moon, develops a ravenous lust for fucking shoes, particularly old sweaty Crocs”
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 From:  graphitone  
42180.75 In reply to 42180.74 
Fair point.

My memory's a tad hazy remind me of the ending - is that bit where you can either kill or procreate with the warrior woman the end, or is there a bit after that?
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 To:  graphitone     
42180.76 In reply to 42180.75 
She kills you. After you procreate. Then you turn up alive, as a "Survivor" (slightly higher difficulty).
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 To:  ALL
Anyone try this mod?

I dl and will be giving it a try in the near -ish future.
“The truth about Build-A-Bear's day of mayhem”
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 From:  graphitone  
42180.78 In reply to 42180.77 
Not tried that mod, but looking at the list associated with it, it would seem a sensible enhancement of what you've already got to play with in the game. Don't think I'd bother with the hardcore one, but regular sounds good.
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 To:  graphitone     
42180.79 In reply to 42180.78 
Yeah, I got the regular to try out, I haven't got the 1000s of hours to learn hardcore. I'm finding the base cap's a lot tougher without the full slaughter 'em all load out (unmodded game). Last night I had to run over heavies with a jeep after I used up my nades and molotovs. I think I like the regular .45 ACP over the shredder for an SMG, but the bizon is the deadliest.
“The truth about Build-A-Bear's day of mayhem”
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 To:  ALL
I tried the mod last night. Right after I installed it and started FC, steam ran FC updates on me, so I'm not sure it got nuked. Anyway game play does seem considerably more balanced on the "Hard" setting, but that could be down to early days limited weapons, health & skills. I'll need to review exactly what this mod is supposed to do to figure out if I need to reinstall it.

Edit: Yeah ok, it definitely got nuked. Need to disable automatic updates then.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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 To:  ALL
Yep. I had to disable auto update in the ubisoft app (because you can't in steam) and launch from desktop instead of through steam menu to get around it. The mod came straight up unmistakable, with clever labelling in the FC style, and skipped the whole opening sneak past the pirates (which was rather good first time out, then tedious).

I chose the 'medium' difficulty, and it's fucking hard. In a good way. Enemy bullets do serious damage, and health is hard to come by. Enemies aren't tagged, ya can't see through walls, crafting ingredients don't glow in the field and so on. Actually you need to play through the unmodded game to know how to play the mod, because all the in-game cues are gonzo. All weapons and skills are unlocked out of the box, though you still have to earn/pay for them. The map is all revealed, you don't need to activate the radio towers (though you earn skill points and cash by doing so). Yeah this is a whole new game.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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 To:  ALL
Another great thing about this mod is there's tons more wildlife. This is good because you need tons more pelts to get bigger handbags (and my komodo-tiger-ostrich handbag is the talk of the town), and the critters help out with base captures in a big way. I'm not talking about the ones in cages. The last 3 captures came with big assists from (separately) a jaguar, a tiger and a bear that just happened to wander up as I was scoping out the targets. The strange thing is, the pirates can shoot the fuck out of the beasts and they just keep on coming, but I find them very easy to kill. I'm using one purchased weapon (a suppressed mp5 with a couple more attachments), and pick ups. Store weapons, and their attachments, are hella expensive. I got fed up with the shitty AK47s left lying around by dead pirates, so I crossed over to the south island, killed a couple of dudes guarding a pot farm, and got me a shiny new STG-90 with an optical sight (you don't get free weapons from unlocking radio towers, you can't add attachments to pick ups and if you drop one, you won't find it in the coke machine). Way more deadly.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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 From:  graphitone  
42180.83 In reply to 42180.82 
I got the mod but haven't had chance to check it out as yet. From your write up though it sounds worthwhile.

I've been distracted with GTAV, but I've got to a point in the game where it's randomly now crashing at regular points with a low memory error. :C I'm pretty sure it's not maxing out my system, but something else is eating the RAM up in the background.

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 To:  graphitone     
42180.84 In reply to 42180.83 
Yeah, there's a "casual" version of the mod listed. The "regular" one I loaded requires a lot more concentration than the unmodded game on default difficulty, and encourages a more leisurely, contemplative approach, rather than rampaging through multiple bases and towers to stockpile a crazy arsenal. I've done way more stealth kills, and unsuppressed distance sniping with a pick up, as well as hunting-gathering (pelts 'n plants).
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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 To:  ALL
I'm liking this mod so much that I may skip the dumb-ass story missions entirely. On the weekend, after I finished capturing all the north island pirate bases and buying an M14 ("socom") AR with suppressor and "marksman" sight, I set off for the south island and captured a "privateer" base as a beachhead so I can fast-travel there at will, and also undead there which I need to do very often.

South island base captures are a lot more difficult, as they are generally much better defended. Anyway I captured one more south island base in the center, so I can do the crocodile hunt tonight.

I'm going for the handbag upgrade that demands 4 jaguars, 2 sharks and *5* crocodile hides. Needless to say, this handbag is so huge and heavy you need a small tractor to haul it around. Oh wait, game logic.

In hindsight the "socom" purchase was probably unwise, since you can't steady the crosshairs like you can a sniper rifle scope. However, it does have a suppressor and is < 1/3 the cost of a store-bought sniper rifle so I'm making do. You've got to get in really close, which makes the hit and run stuff pretty dicey. I'm doing a whole lot of underwater bullet-dodging, and I burned through all my health injectors.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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