Music, Film, TV & BooksDeadly Drifter, and Blood Tide (both 1982)


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Apparently known by another name "Out", but I'm sticking with the name on the dvd case.

I purchased this fine examplar of 80's independent cinema at the same other London thrift shop as I acquired Rawhide Season 1. Suffice to say this is the better.  Like Blade Runner 2049, but without its sequel dead weight, this starts off slow. The 16mm photography is also gorgeous, in those gorgeously desaturated film stocks aimed at desert shacks and rusty pickups kind of way. And the cgi is so well done, you don't even realize there isn't any!

Danny Glover and (mostly) Peter Coyote with a fine supporting cast tool around the U.S. aimlessly, playing at being dynamite armed counter-culture radicals and new agers, hell there's even a Carlos Casteneda native shaman ripoff sequence that is very charming.

Well worth $2.75.
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Bloodtide (also 1982)

Almost forgot the dvd is a twofer, and "Bloodtide" is on the reverse. A worthy B horror flick starring James Earl Jones as a soused scuba diver ensconced on a Greek island that is plagued by a mythic beast formerly trapped in a walled-up marine cave until Our Hero drunkenly blows down the wall with plastique, and now sallies forth to devour lady swimmers (in ancient days it was fed virgin sacrifices). If this had been on late night tv, I'd have stayed up to watch it, not least for the bimbage.
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