Music, Film, TV & BooksRawhide Season 1 (1959)


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I bought the $5 boxed set for MrsD. at a thrift shop in London on Saturday. No, the other London. This is a classic tv western series starring Clint Eastwood. She's a big fan. We watched the first episode of the first season last night. Cattle, horses, a prison van full of bad guys and a bad -ish gal that cuts a fine figure. Gun fights (fairly minimalistic by today's standards), a melodramatic score, dialog and plot a 4-year old could follow, all in glorious black and white (well, in this case the transfer was not so glorious and lacks punch).

“Badge, gun, holster, skateboard … meet Canada's first skateboarding cop”
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 From:  koswix  
42035.2 In reply to 42035.1 
Aww, I used to love watching Rawhide on a Sunday afternoon on Channel 4.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 To:  koswix     
42035.3 In reply to 42035.2 
I don't think I was able to watch a full episode except on the sly since it (along with other "violent" entertainments) was verboten in our household, until much later when it was in reruns. Part of its charm was watching it on a small, crappy black and white tv with mostly poor reception.
“Play this for 1 minute and see why everyone is addicted”
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 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  koswix     
42035.4 In reply to 42035.2 
I loved Clint Eastwood when he was young. I've watched the Good the Bad and the Ugly countless times.  I think he's a bit of a nutter now though. Too bad. :D 
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