Music, Film, TV & BooksThe Sweeney 1975


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Mrs.D is a huuuuge fan of John Thaw in his role as Inspector Morse, so she got this (season 1 + the pilot movie, "Regan") from the library (we also recently watched him in an incredible performance in "The Sign of Four").

I saw this (Sweeney) when I was a student in Edinburgh in 1976, and remembered it as much more violent and rough than it seems now -- pretty tame by today's standards. I thought it was the best (and pretty much only good) show on British tv at the time.

Dennis Waterman went on to a much later role in New Tricks, and (probably) other stuff I'm not aware of.
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Watching series 2, it strikes me that Guy Ritchie may have filched some of 'his' ideas of villainy from The Sweeney. I think I like it better than series 1, it seems really polished, especially the camera work and editing. Bonus: it looks fantastic on our old CRT tv! Plots are a little uneven, but I don't mind. MrsD. considers it very violent -- I don't recall her remarking so about S1, but since she is such a slobbering fan of JT, I expect she'll continue enduring the savage punchups and rather ludicrous car chases regardless.
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