Games (inc Online)Nintendo Switch


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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  gracia (GRACEINC)     
41891.5 In reply to 41891.4 
Have you looked at it? I think a lot of people will be waiting for recommendations before going ahead. Personally, I really like the Nintendo style of adventure/platform gaming (I'm too many hours into Zelda breath of the wild at the moment) but as I said earlier, I was burned by buying the Wii U and I'd rather see what games appear for it. It looks nice and sparkly, but it's over £300 with a game.
never trust a man in a blue trench coat, never drive a car when you're dead
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 From:  gracia (GRACEINC)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
41891.6 In reply to 41891.5 
Have you looked at it? I think a lot of people will be waiting for recommendations before going ahead. Personally, I really like the Nintendo style of adventure/platform gaming (I'm too many hours into Zelda breath of the wild at the moment) but as I said earlier, I was burned by buying the Wii U and I'd rather see what games appear for it. It looks nice and sparkly, but it's over £300 with a game.

That is the reservation i have too considering the price. No doubt they have done a good console what seems from the teaser video, have not checked in flesh as yet. But price is a big factor to me. 

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 From:  Al  
 To:  milko      
41891.7 In reply to 41891.1 
I have one, enjoying Zelda, don't usually like most Nintendo games though our two boys (4&7) love the wii U.

Play it when the missus insists I spend time in the same room as her & have been playing it in downtime on skiing hols. It may well go in a box post Zelda, but perhaps Skyrim will draw me out for another playthrough.

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 From:  milko   
 To:  milko      
41891.8 In reply to 41891.1 
I got a Switch. Mario Odyssey is incredible. (I also have Mario Kart and Golf Story)
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 From:  Wayne (SCOREZ2000)  
 To:  milko      
41891.9 In reply to 41891.8 
My lady friend bought one. Should arrive tomorrow. Quite excited. :-)

Rob me at gun point with crowbars and knives,
I don't care anymore, been robbed my whole life.

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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  All     
41891.10 In reply to 41891.9 
Got my one last week. Already have Zelda, Splatoon 2, Sonic Mania, Mario Kart and Minecraft.
Will probably get Mario Odyssey and Skyrim before the end of the year.
Very pleased with it so far.

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 From:  Wayne (SCOREZ2000)  
 To:  Voltane     
41891.11 In reply to 41891.10 
Mario Odyssey is sooooo good. My favourite Mario since 64.

Rob me at gun point with crowbars and knives,
I don't care anymore, been robbed my whole life.

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 From:  Fozza (FOZZA101)  
 To:  ALL
Looking at maybe getting gift vouchers from work for xmas .

Is this something that would serve the same role as a Wii in terms of a 6 year old and a 3 year old being able to play stuff with mum and dad?


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 From:  milko   
 To:  Fozza (FOZZA101)     
41891.13 In reply to 41891.12 
It's not as motion-controlled as the Wii, and as yet there's not really a 'Wii Sports' equivalent. Think the 3 year old would struggle. On the other hand MK8 Deluxe has settings that make it almost autopilot which is good for kids.
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 From:  Fozza (FOZZA101)  
 To:  milko      
41891.14 In reply to 41891.13 
Humm good advise. 

So there are no party games for it? 
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 From:  milko   
 To:  Fozza (FOZZA101)     
41891.15 In reply to 41891.14 
there's a few, snipperclips (new version incoming) is meant to be good. I've not looked much into it yet tbh.
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 From:  milko   
 To:  Fozza (FOZZA101)     
41891.16 In reply to 41891.14 is pretty good as a resource for what is out there.
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