Softwareanyone used/ing Electron?


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"With Electron, creating a desktop application for your company or idea is easy. Initially developed for GitHub's Atom editor, Electron has since been used to create applications by companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Slack, and Docker."

OK, so the 'app' I (/we/client/s) have in mind is fairly simple -- brochure-ware (literally), maybe with some jquery trix, links to external web sites, steaming video & suchlike.

Here's the clunker: we need to be able to distribute it as a binary [-ish] file that could be attached to an email like a pdf, since said clients may have dodgy internet access due to state firewall, shitty reception or whatnot.

We tested interactive pdf but it is too limited, and does not work on mobile or for that matter non-acrobat, period.

Probably mainly for Windows but maybe other platforms, and have the codebase convertible to mobile -- which is why html 5.

Has anyone worked with Electron (which I hadn't even heard of until ~2-hours ago), or found other/better tools for this?
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
41814.2 In reply to 41814.1 
Is that the thing where you wrap up a website/webapp into a program itself?
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 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41814.3 In reply to 41814.2 
Yeah, it embeds Chromium.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
41814.4 In reply to 41814.3 
I had a quick look at it in my last job here - msg:41619.1 

From what I remember it didn't work as I wanted it to because the online system used was built specifically around firefox and some other things. As it wasn't my job I gave up after a small amount of playing.

This wasn't for sending embedded pages/sites though.
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 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41814.5 In reply to 41814.4 
This is supposed to be more flexible & complete than the firefox thing, from what I have gathered in a fairly minimal search.
Apple patents bold new innovation: a paper bag.
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