TechnicalResume interrupted upload


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We sent a big (2G) zipped web project to a client which we had no problem uploading to in < an hour.

The client was able to download it, but now can't seem to transfer it to their server without the upload failing (last try @ 80% complete after ~6-hours). Is there some transfer method that supports resume in such a case (I don't even know what he's using, guessing sftp)?
James Cameron announced plans for four new sequels to his 2009 blockbuster Avatar, plus a Disney theme park.
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 From:  koswix  
41729.2 In reply to 41729.1 
What's their server? Bet it's going onto a FAT32 disk and failing at the file size limit  LMAO

(I used to use FlashFXP or something as my FTP/FXP client, I'm pretty sure that did resume uploads and that's at least 10 years ago)

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 To:  koswix     
41729.3 In reply to 41729.2 
Unlikely but possible. More likely is ntfs or some legacy unix fs. Dunno why the upload is so slow.
James Cameron announced plans for four new sequels to his 2009 blockbuster Avatar, plus a Disney theme park.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
41729.4 In reply to 41729.3 
Poor Internet connection? (compared to yours)

Plenty give fuck loads of download but naff all upload bandwidth, I'm looking at you Virgin.
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 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41729.5 In reply to 41729.4 
I'm pretty much in the dark about why/how they do stuff. Maybe it's best.
James Cameron announced plans for four new sequels to his 2009 blockbuster Avatar, plus a Disney theme park.
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 From:  koswix  
41729.6 In reply to 41729.5 
Maybe tell them not to use the bathroom while uploading?

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
41729.7 In reply to 41729.1 
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