I'm passing on the torch. I have an official heir now.
This is Dylan Chi Wing. He was born yesterday, and I don't think he's particularly impressed by the world so far. But he is healthy and hungry and apparently likes things done his way and no other.
Thanks you all. The doctors haven't mentioned arm-length as one of their concerns so he's probably escaped my genes on that one. He looks like he's taking after his mum in most ways so far actually, including the fine head of hair. And he is indeed our first.
They're still in hospital, needed an emergency caesarian to fish him out in the end so they're under observation. I am tired and going to bed.
Congratumalations! Looks like a fine healthy chappy.
We almost had to do the emergency Caesarian thing, so I can imagine how stressful that must have been for you, hope mum and little one recover quickly.
Enjoy that sleep, it'll be the last good one you have for a while!
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