TechnicalDon't do this


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1. Open a terminal

2. Do a bunch of stuff

3. Attempt to scroll the terminal window using the up arrow key

4. Noticing this is just scrolling through prior commands used in this session, change your mind, enter a "cd", and without seeing the command you happened to scroll to was "rm -rf", hit "enter".

"But as the baby's mouth develops into adulthood, it will ultimately be used for badmouthing co-workers, interrupting people when they speak, and never bothering to say thank you."
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
40675.2 In reply to 40675.1 

Couple of mine:

1. ssh into your server, do some stuff
2. forget that you sshed into your server
3. some time later use pacman to install some (graphical) program
4. spend a good 10 minutes searching for the program on the local machine and a further hour or two researching whether anyone else has experienced this 'bug'


1. use a US-layout keyboard and delete an entire folder instead of a single file inside it because [enter] is too close to \ and you hit [enter] when you meant to escape a space in a path
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 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
40675.3 In reply to 40675.2 
I hosed about half the .config files on the main user account for my development machine. *So far* manual restoration by cloning the lost files from another account appears to be the better of two evils, vs. a file system archiver volume backup made > a year ago. I suppose I could 'restore' the fsa to an empty partition, and just copy back the config files for the account, if I had a couple of hours to kill.

"But as the baby's mouth develops into adulthood, it will ultimately be used for badmouthing co-workers, interrupting people when they speak, and never bothering to say thank you."
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
40675.4 In reply to 40675.3 
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
40675.5 In reply to 40675.3 
Nasty :((
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
40675.6 In reply to 40675.4 
Aren't you supposed to be on mars?

"But as the baby's mouth develops into adulthood, it will ultimately be used for badmouthing co-workers, interrupting people when they speak, and never bothering to say thank you."
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 From:  Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)  
40675.7 In reply to 40675.1 
Don't install Linux just to get a TF2 item, only to have it mess up your Windows partition, losing all your data.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
40675.8 In reply to 40675.1 
Don't show the new team member details of the main live payments database on the afternoon before the office closes for Christmas, explain that all the tables are created with 'RESTRICT ON DROP' to prevent accidents, attempt to prove it, discover the one table that wasn't created with 'RESTRICT ON DROP', and launch into 'and this is how we do a recovery...'
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Linus Torvalds: "I long ago gave up on doing backups."

"But as the baby's mouth develops into adulthood, it will ultimately be used for badmouthing co-workers, interrupting people when they speak, and never bothering to say thank you."
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
40675.10 In reply to 40675.9 
Linus doesn't do backups BECAUSE HE USES GIT.
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
40675.11 In reply to 40675.10 
Git out of here!

"But as the baby's mouth develops into adulthood, it will ultimately be used for badmouthing co-workers, interrupting people when they speak, and never bothering to say thank you."
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