It doesn't appear to work on IE8, innit.
I do realise that anyone with a sense of self worth doesn't give a rat's nipple about IE, but some of us have to use that shit at work. And some of us /need/ to post here to take our minds off the the sheer hell of it all.
Anyhow, I cleared caches on IE8 several times, but only managed to make one near-sensible post (as near-sensible as I ever get). Otherwise, all I could see was blue in place of the text area.
No, this is odd: I tried a quote (here: 39989.6) which allowed me to post, even though I couldn't see or edit beforehand. But at least the textarea had text, so it allowed a post. When I tried to edit the post, to actually make the point I wanted to make, all I could see was the blue. However, when I right-clicked and selected 'refresh' I could briefly see the text area, before it got covered again. Pinkage?
No amount of emptying the cache and refreshing has allowed me to access the post facility. Works fine here at home though (OSX, Safari 6 \o/)
One other thing that I hate about this new text area: if I right-click a misspelled word to correct spelling, it brings up a cut/paste context-sensitive menu. It's a bit retared IMO.
bastard by name bastard by nature |