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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  Manthorp      
31913.8 In reply to 31913.5 

I'll be interested to know if a sane cap actually IS placed on election spending in the UK, and I'd be pleasantly surprised if it is. Please let me know.


I don't think we'll get anywhere with it here. There is just too much power in the corporations, now, even more so since the time they were allowed to be considered as individuals by law, which really screwed things up. Sorry to be so vague about it, my understanding of it is more conceptual, and my memory of the details hazy, I just know that the decision gave corporations even more power to do ridiculous things for their own benefit without regard to others.


The USA went through great lengths to avoid a monarchy, placing many safeguards in the constitution, etc, but did not foresee the advent of huge, greedy corporations so the rules just don't apply, and now everything the US tried to safeguard against has come true tenfold, only the "monarchy" are the world's corporate heads.

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