Music, Film, TV & BooksIndiana Jones and Another Dumb MacGuffin (2023)


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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
42960.3 In reply to 42960.2 
It was about an hour too long, needlessly (in terms of exposition) filled out with repetitive bouts of pugilism, chase scenes. and improbable stunts, very much in the Bond, Mission Impossible, etc., etc. mold. Also Nazis, Indy's ex, and a cute, devoted and energetic (etc., etc.) young PoC. Suffice to say, a lot of ideas tossed into the cement mixer. There was some cool ancient history stuff in very well-done CGI (as one might expect, given its pedigree). Apart from being way too long, and me losing patience during the long middle, and again during the long, drawn-out ending, I did enjoy the rest well enough.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
42960.4 In reply to 42960.3 

That's a complete description of how I imagined it would be.

I was struck by your mention of "Indy's ex". I wondered about this when she was cast in the Crystal Skull thing. I thought then that they wouldn't make this particularly romantic because she didn't look 20 any more. They didn't. So how do they deal with it? Is it possible that Indy can have feelings for somebody who actually looks as though she's in her 70s, ie like Karen Allen actually is - NINE YEARS YOUNGER than Indy.


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