TechnicalFix Windows MBR


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  ALL
Almost all done... after shuffling partitions I've got 40GB unallocated on my second disk which is before the main partition and when I try extending Windows wants to do some "dynamic disk" bollocks to use it. Grrr.

A quick search says GParted can just extend partitions backwards, so that'll be tomorrow's task and then I'll finally be all fully upgradeded.

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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41977.10 In reply to 41977.6 
Nope, it copies the mbr + partition table to a file, which can then be restored from a linux boot disk in the event said mbr is hosed.
“Not sure why there was a hooker in the film, that seemed a bit weird, but whatever.”
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  ALL
"Moving a partition might take a very long time to apply."

Well that's a useful message. How long is "very long"?

Search reveals no information whatsoever.

Fuck it, can't be that bad. I'm enlarging the partition not moving it, so at most it should just need to update the index table file offset values or something, no data needs to change.

"3.96 GiB of 1.78 TiB copied (41:40:50 remaining)"

Oh fucking hell!!! :@

Even *if* it recognises that half the bloody disk is empty, that's still 21 hours just for an extra 5% of space.

"8.00 GiB of 1.78 TiB copied (46:41:52 remaining)"

It's gone up by five hours! :@

The original clone only took three hours - lets see what happens when I click this cancel button...

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41977.12 In reply to 41977.11 
Hrm, so it looks like it cancelled and restored the original partition info, and the data is all still there - I guess since I did it before it went past the 40GB point. Yay for not having to spend another three hours faffing.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  ALL
Heh, so this is why I've got a 32GB pendrive with Windows recovery on.

If I'm reading my ramblings correctly, it wasn't any help and there's no reason not to overwrite it ... so why do I feel like the day after I do, Windows will suddenly break on me... :'S

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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41977.14 In reply to 41977.13 
I thought you said the pendrive was useless for windows recovery anyway? Besides, the things are dead cheap.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
41977.15 In reply to 41977.14 
They are, which is why I went out at lunchtime and just got a new one.

It's frustrating that every supposed-to-be-quick task I try to do turns into an odyssey.

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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41977.16 In reply to 41977.15 
Here's a new-to-me debian based os. Can't tell if it's super-easy, or just dumbed down Gnome
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
41977.17 In reply to 41977.16 
I vote dumbed down Gnome.

Turns out it's not even proper Debian...

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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
41977.18 In reply to 41977.17 
Does look like a kiddie toy.
“if people in poverty are more susceptible to doing drugs then giving more money to them will give more money to drug dealers who buy guns.”
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