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Good news is the $50 phone makes a far better mp3 player than the nexus 7. No popping, skipping & crackling.  :-O~~~ (doesn't have near the battery life though).

Mediatek vs. tegra3. Whodathunk.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
41779.48 In reply to 41779.47 
I think the size of the battery is quite possibly a major factor.

1300mAh vs 4325mAh
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 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41779.49 In reply to 41779.48 
Yeah, replacement batteries are pretty cheap. In theory you could swap in a fresh one as needed. I'm wondering if there's such a thing as a phone battery charger -- the kind you insert the battery into, rather than plugging in the phone.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
41779.50 In reply to 41779.49 
Yep, for many more popular phones with replaceable batteries there are, could be for yours.

It may even charge with a generic Lithium type charger if it was wired up right.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
41779.51 In reply to 41779.49 
> I'm wondering if there's such a thing as a phone battery charger -- the kind you insert the battery into, rather than plugging in the phone.

Yep, I got one with moveable pins so (in theory) you line them up and it charges any battery that the adjustable grip can hold.

I have no idea whether it works - have tried it with two batteries but in both instances I don't know whether the charger is crap, the battery buggered, or the phone fucked.

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