HardwareAnyone got a spare/old android phone?


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 From:  dyl  
 To:  Chris (CHRISSS)     
41203.52 In reply to 41203.50 
I've installed CyanogenMod anyway. I've never used the pen / stylus so I guess I won't miss the features, and the ROMs you mentioned don't seem to be available for the Note 1, and I trust CyanogenMod not to brick my phone (or rather I trust myself not to brick my phone with CM) as I've installed it on my Nook and old HTC phone with no problems.

Still, would be interested in other ROMs, especially since the last "stable" CM is Android 4.2.
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  dyl     
41203.53 In reply to 41203.52 
You haven't even tried the pen? :O I don't use it a great deal. It's handy for the occasional note, screenshots with annotations and navigating menus on some websites. And websites that show animated previews by hovering over a link.

Hopefully CM will be more reliable on the N7000. I have a rather old version still running on my HTC Desire and it's great. My Note 2 is definitely more stable since switching back to a TouchWiz ROM though.

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