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My oldest pc's are a k6-II white box clone (now yellow) that came with Win98 on board, and a Powermac 8100 hand-me-down I got in ~1995 that I actually used until 2005 (with a G3 upgrade card), when I replaced it with a 'real' G3 (but did not toss the 8100).

Mrs.D used an IBM AT running DOS on one of her jobs in the late 80s. It was huge and nasty-looking. I cut my teeth on a Mac 128K, with the rad new PhotoShop 2.0 in 1990.

"Ninety percent of Americans use the Internet. The other ten percent use the banjo."
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)   
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I still have my first computer and ALL of the peripherals.  TI-99 4/A with the disk expansion box of doom, tape deck cables, speech synthesizer, all the game cartridges and floppies (although I'm sure they are all junk by now).  I have meant to set it up for over a year now but just haven't been that motivated.  I used to live on that thing.  
Give me liberty or, I dunno, something.
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