Idle Chit ChatGalaxy S4 pressure sensor


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 From:  koswix   
 To:  Matt     
41003.3 In reply to 41003.2 
I don't think the pressure sensor can, but the phone bit does that quite well (sometimes).

Seems a lot/most android devices since about 2012 have a barometer chip chucked in. Have a look in the app store for barometer apps.

Presumably it's used to track altitude changes when using navigation/tracking/NSA apps.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  koswix      
41003.4 In reply to 41003.3 
Nexus 5 has one too by the looks of it.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  koswix      
41003.5 In reply to 41003.3 
I don't think the pressure sensor can, but the phone bit does that quite well (sometimes).

Seems a lot/most android devices since about 2012 have a barometer chip chucked in. Have a look in the app store for barometer apps.

Presumably it's used to track altitude changes when using navigation/tracking/NSA apps.

The iPhone has one too, apparently. At least there are apps for it.

But barometric pressure is related to weather. Phones apparently determine altitude based on GPS satellites. So fuck knows why they would have a 'barometer chip'.

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  koswix   
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
41003.6 In reply to 41003.5 
GPS altitude is inaccurate and add slow. Although you couldn't establish accurate height without knowing local surface pressure at that given time, you could get a rough estimate (speeding up gps locking) and you can track changes in altitude quite well.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  koswix      
41003.7 In reply to 41003.6 
I've just ordered a pressure sensor for my RPi. Another thing to add to my chart.
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 From:  koswix   
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
41003.8 In reply to 41003.7 
You need to put a page on your website with one of these, linked to the pressure history:

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 From:  milko  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
41003.9 In reply to 41003.5 
Kos is right, they use it for a more accurate altitude reading. If you compare results from tracking a bike ride (for example) on a phone without the barometer it's quite a lot different to with.
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  koswix      
41003.10 In reply to 41003.1 
Maybe you should adapt it to read pressure between two surfaces - like, say, between a speaker and what it's sitting on  :O)
[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  Chris (CHRISSS)  
 To:  koswix      
41003.11 In reply to 41003.1 
That is pretty impressively accurate for something that is stuffed in a mobile phone. Haven't all these sensors in mobiles made gyros and accelerometers and such cheaper for other things?

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