Idle Chit ChatBreaking the laws of physics


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 To:  koswix      
40806.6 In reply to 40806.3 
collision detection in my limited and rapidly fading experience of some vague readings a long time ago is that it is computationally expensive and probably in the case of something like meshing gears prohibitively so unless you have access to some kind of super-computer. That's why in 3d games (e.g.) you can not move through a wall, but you can stick your arm through it (and annoyingly, get protruding body parts shot or even stuck). You're probably better off manually timing out the gear meshings by trial and error/maths.

"Allow me to channel Linus Torvalds a minute: 'What do you mean there wasn't a backup disk? Fucking kill yourself with a pipe wrench. I hate you, your mother was a whore and your dad was the neighbors dog. People like you make me sick.' "
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 From:  koswix   
 To:  Killamarshian (HAL9001)     
40806.7 In reply to 40806.5 
Nope, not constrained. It's Solid Edge. I ended up abandoning that assembly a few days ago. Still got loads to do for this thing and it's due in on Friday :-(

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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