Idle Chit ChatSpiked!


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 From:  cynicoid  
 To:  ALL
Over the weekend on a night out I think my drink got spiked. I'm wondering if it has happened to anyone else or someone with more experience could help me find out what I was spiked with.

I was in a club, had a few drinks but wasn't pissed and my drink was on a table nearby. I could see the drink but obviously wasn't watching it the whole time and there were'nt any dodgy looking people about.

Anyway I felt fine the whole night until just before closing time when I started to feel really strange, hard to explain, it was like a sick, disorientated confused state. Similar to being really drunk (I mean really, really drunk) but I know what that feels like and this was completely different, and I went from feeling ok to in a bad place within minutes.

Deciding I'd had enough I left the club and getting worse and worse very quickly needed to find somewhere I could get help if needed. I found a policeman and by this time I could hardly stand up, my head was spinning and everything was getting blurry. I thought I was going to pass out. When I got to the copper I found I couldn't speak ! In my head I knew what I wanted to say but the words just wouldn't come out and that has NEVER happened to me before. Eventually I managed to utter 'spiked' and over (what felt like) a couple of minutes The copper looked at me and said you're pissed go home !

Managed to make it to the taxi office where I work by which time I was more in control but still had a sick feeling in my stomach, again a different sick feeling from when you've been drinking. Told the operator what had happened and asked if he'd just keep an eye on me. A while later I started to get a 'coming up' feeling followed by a slight rush after which I felt fine, in fact I felt bloody fantastic ! I could speak again, stand up and walk in a straight line, the sick feeling had gone and I could think clearly.

So I'm pretty sure Ive been slipped a mickey, I just don't know what or by who. I have to admit I have in the past taken ecstasy, and while the effects were similar they were'nt what Id experienced before. Plus E's not something a strangers going to slip you for free just before closing time, and I would have tasted it in my drink.

Has anyone had Ket, would this have a similar effect and could that have been in my drink without me noticing ? Can't think of anything else that would give the symptoms I had.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  cynicoid     
40426.2 In reply to 40426.1 
Any awesome vissions? Could be ketamine, I get really vomity on it nd lose speech etc. While still having perfectly clear thoughts.

Once I spent about a week* 'mountaineering' up a flight of stairs, one step at a time. Convinced I had an ice axe and all sorts of gear, and I had to pull myself up to the next step and then rest before going on. Awesome!

*ket time. No idea how long it really was.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 From:  MrTrent  
 To:  cynicoid     
40426.3 In reply to 40426.1 
Sounds more like Ket than E, yeah. The feeling shot and not being able to talk, etc, definitely sounds more like Ket. E wouldn't have done that to you.

Motherfuckers. I don't know why people do it, i really don't.

MrTrent A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless. In a world of criminals who operate above the law.

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 From:  cynicoid  
 To:  koswix     
40426.4 In reply to 40426.2 
Not awesome visions, more like completely dissasociated and not being in control of anything - yet at the same time knowing what was happening and thinking (fairly) straight. At the beginning I did feel as though I was going to pass out, like I'd been given a strong sleeping pill.

Sounds like it was ket then. Scary thing was how fast it took effect, I went from happily dancing in complete control to completely wasted in minutes.

Does ketamine have any taste to it, would I notice it in a double vodka and coke ?
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  cynicoid     
40426.5 In reply to 40426.4 
Taste? No idea, I normally stick it up my nose.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.

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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  koswix     
40426.6 In reply to 40426.5 
Tea..................    everywhere...................  

Train spotting moment :D

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 To:  ALL
I've never understood why people take ketamine on purpose. I had some by mistake once, and it was awful. I pissed on somebody's telly because I thought we were outside in a field.

Happy now?

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 From:  MrTrent  
40426.8 In reply to 40426.7 
It's not something i ever made a habit of. Only ever did it a half dozen times at most, i reckon. Certainly is dirty stuff.

MrTrent A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless. In a world of criminals who operate above the law.

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 From:  PNCOOL  
 To:  cynicoid     
40426.9 In reply to 40426.1 
I've had Ketamine once, and it was amazing.  Mine was the hospital stuff though and directly injected into me.  The only way I can describe it is a combination of weird dreams and someone from Men in Black using their memory eraser thing on me at the end.

I wouldn't be able to tell you if I could walk or not on it though, as I couldn't walk at the time anyway.


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