Idle Chit ChatDomains/subdomains and SEO


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 From:  Voltane  
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OK, hopefully this will be an easy one.

We have, and domain1 and domain2 are sites we currently use and are indexed by Google.

Domain3 is a new site we are creating that will contain everything from domain1 and domain2.

Is it an idea to have domain1 point to a subdomain on domain3 like How will that affect the pagerank of

Or is it best to have domain1 and domain2 simply point to domain3?

Most people know and will start by using that address. In fact, they'll still be using it for the foreseeable future.

I should note that the new stuff is on new hosting.

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 From:  steve  
 To:  Voltane     
40144.2 In reply to 40144.1 
If you use proper HTTP redirects, I believe Google will cope fine with that.


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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  steve     
40144.3 In reply to 40144.2 
This is where our choice of hosts bites us, i guess.

Moving from Moonfruit (built the site using their tools which outputs completely in Flash) to Wix (built the site using their tools which outputs in html5). Don't think I can do 301 redirects.

The domains are with another company (Freezone) and to get Wix working properly we have to tell freezone to put Wix nameservers in the dns records.

Hmmm, maybe that's not an issue (i'm a bit of a noob with this and never get enough time to look things up).

I think i'll just give the new hosting the old domain and redirect the new domain to the old domain. It'll cause less worry for the client (my boss) even if it's not the best way.

Cheers for the help!

Bodging since 2012....

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