SoftwareAnyone into Photoshop


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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  ALL

Is anybody into / fairly familiar with Photoshop / Elements?

I'm fairly new to it (Elements). I'm trying to follow a tutorial for some text glowing effects, but struggling to match up their steps to the options in PSE.

The tutorial is this one...

and I'm up to Step 5. In it, it tells me to apply Style Settings to Outer Glow and Stroke. Although I have these options, I don't seem to have the Colour Dodge Blend Mode Option, which I think is what causes my glow & stroke to take their colour from the underlying gradient fill. I've tried changing the Layer's blending mode from from Screen (As per step 4) to Colour Dodge, but that makes no difference.

Anyone know how I can achieve this? I'm thinking I'll need to add another layer with the right blend mode, but can't seem to figure it out!

I've attached a SS of my current Style settings for ref!

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)     
40009.2 In reply to 40009.1 

This may be obvious to you already, and you're just looking for a work around, but that tutorial is for Photoshop and Elements has some 'elements' missing. I guess that's one of them.

Sorry, but I don't have enough experience with PSE to know how, or even if, there's another way of doing it. :(

truffy.gifbastard by name
bastard by nature

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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
40009.3 In reply to 40009.2 

correct :-)

Just trying to find out if anyone knows if there's a way to achieve the equivalent result in Elements.

Bloody Elements - teaches me to 'do the right thing' and actually pay for my software eh? ;-)

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 From:  milko  
 To:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)     
40009.4 In reply to 40009.3 

Hmm. I think it more should teach you to follow tutorials for the software you have, not the software you don't! ;-)

photoshop elements glow tutorial returns a lot of results in Google. Like

Can't see your attachment by the way, do we have a problem?


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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  milko     
40009.5 In reply to 40009.4 

weird - not sure why it's not attaching - I'm ticking the box, but it's not doing anything when I click complete.

try here instead

Yes, lots of tutorials, and the basic glow effect I can do - it's the specific bit of getting the glow & outline colour to come from another layer's gradient, creating the 'rainbow' effect I'm struggling with

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 To:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)     
40009.6 In reply to 40009.1 

I'm not at all familiar with Elements, but in Photoshop there's a "layers" palette with a drop-down menu at the top for transfer (or "blend") modes, and color dodge is somewhere in that menu list. You have to select the layer in the palette you want to apply a transfer mode to first.


"neural networks that run on 16,000 processors simultaneously, enough power that they could learn to recognize cats just by watching YouTube "
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)     
40009.7 In reply to 40009.5 

Ticking the box?

Are you trying to move an attachment from an old post to a new one, because you can't do that.


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