SoftwareWindows 8 to cost $39.99


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 From:  Matt  
 To:  ALL
For digital distribution, upgrades only of course, but it includes upgrades from Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

quote: Neowin
Microsoft has just announced that it will sell Windows 8 Upgrades, for all versions of Windows XP and above for $39.99.

But also...

quote: Neowin
If digital downloads are not your cup of tea, Microsoft will make a retail version available too. To purchase the physical DVD, the upgrade cost will be $69.99.

Of course there is a gotcha. This offer is a time limited promotion that will expire January 31st 2013. No mention of UK pricing, but I'm hoping for similar prices as they did for the Windows 7 promotion which if I remember correctly was £49.99?

I'm actually quite getting used to Windows 8. I've been using the Release Preview quite a bit recently and it is pretty easy to get used to. Yes, it is a rude awakening compared to Windows 7, but the same was true of Windows 95 (vs. Windows 3.1) when that came out.

Admittedly I hardly ever see the Metro Start Screen, but I hardly ever use the start menu in Windows 7 either. Most of the time the programs I'm using I've pinned to my taskbar, so the only time I ever use the Start Menu / Start Screen is to search for applications that aren't pinned and this functionality works exactly the same in Windows 8 as it does in Windows 7, i.e. press Start key on keyboard, type name of program, optionally use cursor keys to select it, and press enter to open.

Oh and the "widgets" on the Metro Start Screen are pretty handy too for checking things like email and such like at a glance. Better than having them on the desktop obscured by the application I'm using.


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 From:  Dan (HERMAND)  
 To:  Matt     
39671.2 In reply to 39671.1 
Interesting - when I get some time back in the office I'm thinking of flattening my VMWare Development Box and chucking Server 2012 on. The idea being to put a VM of Windows 8 and have a play with the whole new solution.
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 From:  Ken (SHIELDSIT)  
 To:  Matt     
39671.3 In reply to 39671.1 
Wish they'd have priced it at about $50,000. That way no one would get it and I'd be able to just ignore the piece of shit.

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Matt     
39671.4 In reply to 39671.1 
Hmmm, I have a couple of XP licences scudding around somewhere. It's almost tempting to run it on my MBA. But I don't really know what I'd use it for, except, perhaps, to get acquainted with all those viruses and scumware that you lot get to play with.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  ALL
Microsoft has just announced that it will sell Windows 8 Upgrades, for all versions of Windows XP and above for $39.99.

So, at MS's conversion rate, that's what, 99.99GBP?

I actually recently upgraded win 7 to Ultimate, so keen to see the pricing to win8 ultimate upgrade. *really* hoping they don't expect me to fork out another 120quid again - but not holding much hope!
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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)     
39671.6 In reply to 39671.5 
There isn't a windows 8 ultimate, only Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro (and Windows RT for ARM)
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