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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
37805.43 In reply to 37805.42 
It fails to boot at all after the first menu, just hangs, no cpu or disk activity at all.

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 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
37805.44 In reply to 37805.43 
I find virtualbox usually lags a few releases behind the latest linux kernels and/or xorg builds, so I was surprised I got it working at all. Dunno about vmware. Here's a prebuilt Fedora 14 vmware image you could try.

Artist' s Bohemian Life For Sale
(Artist studio overlooks the Pacific Ocean right across from the beach)
The artist's intention is to sell his life-style, studio, most of its contents, art supplies, etc. that he uses in his daily life as an artist. He will also provide forty hours of guidance based on how he made the transition to become a full-time artist, and, if you need it, painting lessons.
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 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
37805.45 In reply to 37805.43 

Actually, if you want to try oracle's version of opennotsolaris with zfs goodness, that's just out too. You may hate oracle, and with good reason, but recall opennotsolaris was also opennot under the sun regime.


I'm booting it into virtualbox and indeed contemplating a bare metal install too.

Artist' s Bohemian Life For Sale
(Artist studio overlooks the Pacific Ocean right across from the beach)
The artist's intention is to sell his life-style, studio, most of its contents, art supplies, etc. that he uses in his daily life as an artist. He will also provide forty hours of guidance based on how he made the transition to become a full-time artist, and, if you need it, painting lessons.
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