Ranter's CornerLightroom redeye correction


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
It sucks.

With today's technology, it should be trivial to locate an eye on someone's face, even if the photo is a little noisy. I'm clicking dead in the centre of the damned scarlet pupil ffs!

Worse still is that there isn't a proper manual placement - I have to find something that somehow looks like an eye (in this case, it seems stripes of plain black facepaint on a cheek, not eyelike in your wildest imaginations), click on that, and then move and resize the frigging thing into the correct place.

And even when it does actually manage to correct identify eyes, more than half the time it creates the correction spot too small, giving a funny red ring effect which I then need to manually fix too.

Oh, and another thing, it assumes all eyes are round/elliptoid, and is unable to detect skin tones. So when you have someone with a half-closed eye, you get a darkening effect on their eyelid too.

Grrr. Useless piece of junk.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.2 In reply to 37659.1 
I've had no problems with the red eye tool in Aperture. But you'd have to be running OSX for that.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.3 In reply to 37659.1 

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
37659.4 In reply to 37659.3 
Haha he's ace.

Roses are bollocks, Violets are crud, I hate bloody flowers, And much prefer mud.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
37659.5 In reply to 37659.3 
Heh, I read about that at the time, but hadn't seen a video of it in action. Is pretty terrible that it doesn't even attempt tracking. :S

Haven't really got a big enough sample to determine if LRs redeye stuff is worse (or better), but it doesn't appear to be any difference (i.e. it's equally crap with all skintones).
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.6 In reply to 37659.5 
What I was kinda subtly alluding to was that the face paint you mentioned (unless I imagined that) was probably fucking with the face detection.


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
37659.7 In reply to 37659.6 
Bah, well first it should be doing eye detection instead of face detection.

And since it requires clicking anyway, all it needs is to find the closest lemon shape with a spot in it.

And I think the facepaint was a curly moustache, so it's being tashist and discriminating against pirates, circus masters, and dasterdly villains.
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.8 In reply to 37659.7 
And the Chuckle Brothers inc.

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.9 In reply to 37659.7 

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  graphitone     
37659.10 In reply to 37659.8 
Nothing wrong with discriminating against the 'Chuckle' Brothers, nothing wrong at all! :Y

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
37659.11 In reply to 37659.10 
Unless, of course, one is considering assassination/execution, in which case Les Frères Chuckle should be right up there at the top of the list.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
37659.12 In reply to 37659.11 

Are you insinuating a pro-chuckle-cide faction?


If you are, I'm in.

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  graphitone     
37659.13 In reply to 37659.12 

A faction usually suggests a small minority or splinter group.


I suspect that if a popular vote were taken, the pro-chucklecide party would win a landslide victory. You can be chancellor.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.14 In reply to 37659.5 
Is pretty terrible that it doesn't even attempt tracking.

Apparently it's due to light limitations. Boost the ambient light and it will track dark skin tones too.

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
37659.15 In reply to 37659.14 
Make them whiter, you mean. :@

I can't remember the orig video (or be bothered to check), but I don't remember it being particularly dim - seemed more like a bright shop.
Given that most people will be using it inside, you'd think they'd want to be coping better with lower light conditions.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
Glasses, by the way, seem to trip up this crappy red eye too.

Places a bit dot in the centre of the glass (twice as big, only partly over pupil) for the left eye, and a smaller one inside that for the right eye which isn't even close to overlapping.

Not like glasses are a particularly uncommon facial feature. :/
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
btw, when you get a part white part red eye, is that because the person is wearing a shiny contact lens which is reflecting the light, or do they have a freaky multicoloured retina?
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 From:  william  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.18 In reply to 37659.17 
Probably a stray reflection, but in children it can be a symptom of retinoblastoma, there was a case in the news recently. If it's a child it would be worth mentioning it.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  william     
37659.19 In reply to 37659.18 
You've made me paranoid now... don't want to go looking through 500 photos again. :S

I've noticed it in a few pictures, which are mostly young people (15..25 I guess), but looking closer at the specific one it probably is a stray reflection - just remembered there's stage lights which could do it.
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
37659.20 In reply to 37659.1 

Only an utterly incompetent, amateur photographer using a shit camera (a cell-phone, perhaps?), or a portraitist of chronic drunks ("their eyes were the colour of frozen meat") would ever need something called "redeye correction".



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