CodingAuto-indexing databases


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
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Just a random thought... are there any databases out there which profile all the queries that are run and are capable of auto-creating or suggesting indexes that would be worthwhile creating?


Seems like they already do much of this work, and it wouldn't take a great deal to store any relevant info, analyse it every so often, and offer suggestions for indexes which could be implemented and tested for improvements.


Is there anything I'm missing for why this isn't done?

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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
36515.2 In reply to 36515.1 
Dunno about others, but Microsoft SQL Server has the Database Engine Tuning Advisor which does exactly what you describe. You set it running for a while, or give it a sample workload, and it suggests indexes and statistics to create.

The Wisdom of Amazon user reviews:

Kill Your Friends - John Niven
I was in one of the bands mentioned in this great book and we were at our most active in 1997.
Whipping Boy - Whipping Boy
We toured with Whipping Boy in the 90's and I thought they were very boring.
Neo Wave - Silver Sun
The greatest album ever made. This album is without doubt the greatest album of the 1990's, containing as it does the most uninhibited, most concise, most ear-bashingly beautiful tunes this side of hell.

[Guess the reviewer's band. Go on. Guess.]
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