CodingCreating links to files - Excel 2007


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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
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A friend of mine at uni has seen the database that I've made for all my uni data and wants something similar, but instead he'd like it to be a lot less complicated and he just wants a spreadsheet. He's asked me to help since he hasn't got a clue how to go about it and I would/should/might.

Anyway, looked at it and as ever it's actually far easier to "code" such a thing in PHP, but since we won't be using that it's hardly relevant.

What I want to do, I think, is fairly simple. Into the spreadsheet he will enter a code in one cell, eg:


He will then enter a number in the next cell, eg:


I want there to then be a link made in the following cell along the lines of:


I've thought about putting:


in one cell, and putting:


in another and then somehow combining them but I have no idea how to do so in Excel.

Will I need to use some sort of VBA? Please help!

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 From:  DazzW  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
36035.2 In reply to 36035.1 

I dunno, but, y'know, persevere.


I have a vague suspicion you need to look up CONCAT()

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  DazzW     
36035.3 In reply to 36035.2

The Seventh Posture of Burton's translation of The Perfumed Garden is an unusual position not described in other classical sex manuals. The receiving partner lies on their side. The penetrating partner faces the receiver, straddling the receiver's lower leg, and lifts the receiver's upper leg on either side of the body onto the crook of penetrating partner's elbow or onto the shoulder. While some references describe this position as being "for acrobats and not to be taken seriously," others have found it very comfortable, especially during pregnancy.
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 From:  DazzW  
 To:  koswix     
36035.4 In reply to 36035.3 
Aye. You might want to tell him ^^^ though.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  DazzW     
36035.5 In reply to 36035.4 
Nah, let the fucker work it out on his own.

The Seventh Posture of Burton's translation of The Perfumed Garden is an unusual position not described in other classical sex manuals. The receiving partner lies on their side. The penetrating partner faces the receiver, straddling the receiver's lower leg, and lifts the receiver's upper leg on either side of the body onto the crook of penetrating partner's elbow or onto the shoulder. While some references describe this position as being "for acrobats and not to be taken seriously," others have found it very comfortable, especially during pregnancy.
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