Coding.NET- creating web controls


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 From:  Ally  
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So I'm doing some freelance stuff at the moment. I'm determined to not get involved in the site as a whole because it's a hideous mess I can barely get a grasp of, so I've decided that the best way forward is for me to wrap all the work I'm doing into self-contained controls that they can drop in themselves.

Thing is, I've not really done this before. I've got the actual control sorted, but it's the designer stuff I'm having issues with. I've been following this example, but whenever I look at the control in the designer it says

The type initializer for 'EO.Web.Internal.ji' threw and exception

Now, I know this is because I've based the control on another third-party control we're using (hence the EO.Web namespace) but how can I view a trace for an exception that happens in the designer?!
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 To:  Ally     
35175.2 In reply to 35175.1 

Damn, I started replying to this yesterday morning and got distracted.


Anyway, if you're still having trouble, you can load the control's source code in one instance of Visual Studio, then use the Debug -> Attach to process dialog to attach to another instance of Visual Studio. Then when the exception is thrown in the designer in the second instance, you should get the full exception debug experience in the first.

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