CodingSharing calculations in Access 2007


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 From:  Bryan (TWISTER)  
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Is there any easy way of sharing a calculation across multiple forms/reports in Access 2007, such that any change to the calculation propagates throughout the database? Also, because there are further calculations which are based on the results of the first set of calculations.


Basically, I want to create a calculation once and only once and use it on several different reports/forms. Essentially this is to reduce the possibility of error because the calculations can (and do) change fairly frequently.


Essentially the hierarchy is thus:


1. A report is made of several sections, each with there own scoring;
2. The section scores are manipulated to create a report score;
3. The calculated report score is then used to generate statistics such as the monthly average


I could do the caluclation as part of a SQL query easily enough, but some of the reports have a lot of fields on them, which when calculation fields are added on might be pushing the limit of how many fields can be in a Query, which I believe is 255, can anyone confirm this?



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 From:  Ally  
 To:  Bryan (TWISTER)     
35075.2 In reply to 35075.1 
If you know VBA you can make a global function that'll work it out. Could get complicated if the equation is long, though.
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