CodingAn 'open site'


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 From:  Mikee  
 To:  ALL

I was thinking about the idea of whether or not it'd be possible to make a web site which people can directly edit. Not just editing the content, but editing the code of the whole web site.


Obviously there'd be security issues - certain functions would have to be disabled and it'd have to run within a framework of some kind.


Plus people could abuse it and delete stuff! so there'd have to be complete versioning of the thing all the time. (maybe svn style)


But, these things aside.. I wonder if it's possible and whether or not anyone would actually be interested in participating.


I feel like if someone saw a menu on a web site and thought "my menu javascript would make that menu a lot nicer" they'd probably implement it if it was quick and easy to do. Or if someone had created an automatic RSS feed maker they'd throw it on. Of course, authors/developers would have to get credit for their work.


But then, isnt this just 'open source'? In many ways yes. But I think it's a kind of 'live' twist on the idea which might work to get people more interested in working with it.


Hmm. I bet this has been tried before many times.

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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Mikee     
34760.2 In reply to 34760.1 
what would the website do? surely it needs a purpose besides just being code?
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 From:  Mikee  
 To:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)     
34760.3 In reply to 34760.2 
Ayee, well exactly. it'd have to have a purpose. God knows, tho... =)
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