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 From:  Dave!!  
31560.21 In reply to 31560.11 
Fuck off Rendle. I'm sick to the back teeth of you acting like a cunt every time I post something to Trig. If you add up how many times it's been in the last fortnight, I bet I'm well into single figures, unlike plenty of other people.

"Programming is like sex, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life." - Michael Sinz
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 From:  Username   
 To:  Dave!!     
31560.22 In reply to 31560.21 
For fucks sake, what would you do if you could post ONCE or use the edit button? I'm sick of seeing threads with tons of messages just to find out that they're all just you blathering on and replying to yourself repeatedly.

And this aint even real life were talking about. Were talking about text on a pc monitor.
All: Poor Dave invests his mind effort into this forum while others ignore the images i paste. They are truely the real livers of their lifes.
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 From:  patch  
 To:  Username      
31560.23 In reply to 31560.22 
What difference does it make if it's "real life" or not? You're still becoming the equivalent of the muttering bloke who sits in the corner and smells of piss.

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 From:  Username   
 To:  patch     
31560.24 In reply to 31560.23 
i cant shake your hand using the internet therefore it is not real
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 From:  patch  
 To:  Username      
31560.25 In reply to 31560.24 
What difference does it make whether it's real or not?

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 From:  Username   
 To:  patch     
31560.26 In reply to 31560.25 
a lot of difference that geeks and nerd could probably explain
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 From:  patch  
 To:  Username      
31560.27 In reply to 31560.26 
"Geeks and nerds" don't seem to have a problem with it. You do. Why?

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  Username      
31560.28 In reply to 31560.24 
We've had this before, but just to ram it into your thick skull one more time, the phone is real, but you can't shake hands over that either.
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 From:  Username   
 To:  Radio     
31560.29 In reply to 31560.28 
the phone is continuous real time this forum is not
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 From:  Username   
 To:  patch     
31560.30 In reply to 31560.27 

no you get me wrong
im only stating facts
i dont have a problem with non continuous non real time forum

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  Username      
31560.31 In reply to 31560.29 



MSN is realtime.

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 From:  Username   
 To:  Radio     
31560.32 In reply to 31560.31 

it is but its still not real
hearing a voice or looking at a face is real

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  Username      
31560.33 In reply to 31560.32 
So what happens when you use MSN to start a voice conversation or a video conversation? Does it suddenly become real then, and as soon as you stop the voice or video and switch back to text it becomes, what, imaginary?
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 From:  els  
 To:  Username      
31560.34 In reply to 31560.32 

and how long has it been since you last heard a voice and saw a face?


may i suggest that the only voices are in your head , and the only faces you see are on your small tv . :L

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 From:  Username   
 To:  Radio     
31560.35 In reply to 31560.33 

yeah it becomes real when voice or video it activated
more human interactive

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 From:  Username   
 To:  els     
31560.36 In reply to 31560.34 
and how long has it been since you last heard a voice and saw a face?


may i suggest that the only voices are in your head , and the only faces you see are on your small tv . :L

thats not a suggestion
3. something suggested, as a piece of advice: We made the suggestion that she resign.

how can you suggest a voice in my head christopher?
nevermind i know your a bricklayer
forget it :L
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Username      
31560.37 In reply to 31560.36 

Good money in bricklaying.


More more than being on the dole.

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 From:  Username   
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
31560.38 In reply to 31560.37 

just dosnt stretch your mind christopher
lay bricks

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 From:  els  
 To:  Username      
31560.39 In reply to 31560.36 

yes stephen your right , its not a suggestion. Its a fact
Apart from that one detail ,your whole reply was utter nonsense.


Judging you by your extreme behaviour on the (not real) internet over christmas its pretty obvious that christmas isnt a very nice time for you. Being alone can be hard lol


edit:Not sure if your talking to me or not , but my names mark and "do one" is a term used by g33ks in chatrooms , usually kids.

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 From:  Username   
 To:  els     
31560.40 In reply to 31560.39 

i know i was right and corrected your wrong
layer bricks
so nonsence no i dont think so
alone is too hard sometimes :-((

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