Teh ForumForum Awards - Category nominations


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Message 28511.5 was deleted

 From:  Matt  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.6 In reply to 28511.1 

The somewhat inevitable Best Sig award for best sig.
Nominations - Kenny. Dyl.


The Matt Beale award for beehive development madskills.
Nominations - Don't they only name awards after dead people?


The 2Gb tbh award for Most Helpful Poster.
Nominations - Woggy. Serg. Ben. PB. Caer.


The 'Rendle always wins "funniest poster" but I'm not bitter' award for the second funniest poster.
Nominations - Darren. Greg. Rendle.


The "Ricky!!! eeee's not woorrrrrffff it!!!" award for feeding the troll when there's really no need!!!
Nominations - Dave!!


The "Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home" award for the best flounce.
Nominations - Xen. Isa.


The "No, really, I'm really leaving this time" award for the worst flounce.
Nominations - Trig.


The "I miss Uncle Tony" award for returning member:
Nominations - Almor.


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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.7 In reply to 28511.1 

The somewhat inevitable Best Sig award for best sig.
Nominations - Ben Lumley


The Matt Beale award for beehive development madskills.
Nominations - Matt.


The 2Gb tbh award for Most Helpful Poster.
Nominations - Matt/Nukklear


The 'Rendle always wins "funniest poster" but I'm not bitter' award for the second funniest poster.
Nominations - Rendle


The "Ricky!!! eeee's not woorrrrrffff it!!!" award for feeding the troll when there's really no need!!!
Nominations - Dave!!


The "Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home" award for the best flounce.
Nominations - Xen


The "No, really, I'm really leaving this time" award for the worst flounce.
Nominations - Trig


The "I miss Uncle Tony" award for returning member:
Nominations - Edd/Digby


The "Best newcomer" award for best Loster:
Nominations - I'm not sure who the recent additions are, (apart from Ozzgur, No. 1 son). How long has Judderman been posting? Is he a candidate?


The funniest or strangest thing to happen on teh forum this year award, for the funniest or strangest thing to happen on teh forum this year :
Nominations - Trig getting a job (also, it may be senility setting in, but didn't somebody post something to the effect that some department of the CIA was using a Beehive Forum? If I'm not dreaming it, add that too).


The "member who is clearly so dull that nobody really thinks twice about ever considering him for an award even though he has been around for so long he can remember the pre-delphi days" award.
Nominations - John GTI/Jon Cooper, the whingeing gits.

The west wanted democracy in the middle east, & that's exactly what it got. Now we will see whether this talk about democracy is really genuine. When you start applying conditions to democracy, it no longer remains a true democracy.

Adil Haneef, commenting in the Guardian 26/01/06

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 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.8 In reply to 28511.1 

The somewhat inevitable Best Sig award for best sig.
Nominations - Sulkpot


The 2Gb tbh award for Most Helpful Poster.
Nominations - Dave!!


The 'Rendle always wins "funniest poster" but I'm not bitter' award for the second funniest poster.
Nominations - Kenny


The "Ricky!!! eeee's not woorrrrrffff it!!!" award for feeding the troll when there's really no need!!!
Nominations - Dave!! and Trig jointly for trolling each other


The "Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home" award for the best flounce.
Nominations - Xen


The "No, really, I'm really leaving this time" award for the worst flounce.
Nominations - Isa


The "member who is clearly so dull that nobody really thinks twice about ever considering him for an award even though he has been around for so long he can remember the pre-delphi days" award.
Nominations - Greg

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 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.9 In reply to 28511.1 
The funniest or strangest thing to happen on teh forum this year award, for the funniest or strangest thing to happen on teh forum this year :

Banishing trig to a Sanatorium

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Linn (INDYLS)     
28511.10 In reply to 28511.9 
I'd forgotten about that one! I've just looked and Trig was banished there in July last year (so he's had just over 6 months there) and in that time he's managed 565 threads. That's impressive!

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.11 In reply to 28511.1 
Couple more.

The "I miss Uncle Tony" award for returning member:

The "member who is clearly so dull that nobody really thinks twice about ever considering him for an award even though he has been around for so long he can remember the pre-delphi days" award.

Ian Gunn

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  ian  
 To:  Dave!!     
28511.12 In reply to 28511.11 



I don't know what to say. Nothing probably!

ian gunn
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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  ian     
28511.13 In reply to 28511.12 
I don't think you're particulaly boring or anything, I just recall you as being around for yonks and I can't remember the last award or nomination that you got :)

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  ian  
 To:  Dave!!     
28511.14 In reply to 28511.13 

Well I have been around for a long time I suppose.


I think the last award I got was a Dragon Point!

ian gunn
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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  ian     
28511.15 In reply to 28511.14 
I think the last award I got was a Dragon's Point!


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 From:  ian  
 To:  Voltane     
28511.16 In reply to 28511.15 
It was more of a punishment than an award but that was the point I think, Mistress.

ian gunn
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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.17 In reply to 28511.1 

For some reason I cannot copy and paste right now...well, I can copy but not paste.


So, in brief:


Best Sig: Sulkpot because it's subtle yet interesting and different every time I play with it. ;)


Matt Beale award: Matt


Most Helpful: Caer


second funniest poster: Darren...also because of the subltety and yet interesing and different (don't know what to expect).


Also, if it's not too late, how about an "I don't have anything nice to say but I'm going to say it anyway" award for the most pedantic poster? I can think of at least 3-4 people who could be neck and neck on that one.

You're just jealous because the voices talk to me.

Change the Dream

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Message 28511.18 was deleted

 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Mr (M00RL0CK)     
28511.19 In reply to 28511.18 

I'll eat my hat if BP isn't mentioned at some point in there :)


Well, I would if I had a hat...

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Dave!!     
28511.20 In reply to 28511.19 
No you wouldn't. You'd stick it in your mouth, try chewing it, then likely start to choke and have to get someone to give you the Heimlich Manoeuvre.
Unless it was a paper hat, in which case you'd probably be able to tear it into pieces and eat it successfully.


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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
28511.21 In reply to 28511.20 
Yes, but my hat is made out of rice paper. So :P

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  dyl  
 To:  Mr (M00RL0CK)     
28511.22 In reply to 28511.5 
The 'Rendle always wins "funniest poster" but I'm not bitter' award for the second funniest poster.
Nominations -


I don't believe I'm worthy, but if there's ever an award for "Poster Most Likely To Amuse Gregory Moorlock" I'll proudly accept it.

For the funny in general, though, I'd like to nominate Kenny. He makes me laugh a lot. And Darren. He does, too.

Also, Matt: wouldn't my sig be better placed in some sort of Signature Lifetime Achievement category?

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 From:  dyl  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)      
28511.23 In reply to 28511.1 

I suppose I'm too late to suggest another category of the "GIYF award for member to most consistently show a complete lack of initiative"


Give us some warning before you close the nominations, if that's ok. Ta awfully.

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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)   
 To:  dyl     
28511.24 In reply to 28511.23 
I'll leave the nominations open a bit longer, because I'm showing a rather large lack of initiative.

The Wisdom of Amazon Customer Reviews:
Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives, and Women Preachers - John R. Rice
This book gives the biblical backings to why women shouldn't cut their hair. It dosen't say you will go to hell, but you will have a specific blessing if you dont.
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