Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024) TWR

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Sep 2024 10:49
To: ALL1 of 5
Another ill-thought out, ill-advised pointless dumb mishmash sequel.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Sep 2024 10:58
To: ALL2 of 5
... Ryder's 'performance' was shockingly bad, to the point where she would have been far better served by a cameo role, or left out entirely. I was not expecting this. MrsD. filled me in on her sad backstory.
From: william (WILLIAMA)14 Dec 2024 22:18
What were they thinking? 
The original was, well, original. A corny, entertaining, parody of a ghost story. There was a whimsical feeling of genuine threat alongside the comedy. 
This is dreadful. It has nothing. And when it starts to have something in fleeting moments, this is stamped on. It's so badly put together. It clunks as though 5 different directors had done bits and tried to stitch them together.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Dec 2024 11:19
To: william (WILLIAMA) 4 of 5
And those are its good points!
From: william (WILLIAMA)15 Dec 2024 11:32
It's odd that something can be released in that state. I know that most film execs don't give a stuff about anything but money, but in this case it feels as though it was only viewed before release by people who were so involved with working on it that they couldn't see the wood for the trees. A bit of editing would have helped. Maybe it was rushed out so fast there wasn't enough to edit.

And bizarrely good reviews... 
EDITED: 15 Dec 2024 11:53 by WILLIAMA