I bought this for five bucks

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Jul 2023 13:56
To: ALL1 of 4
...and now I find it isn't the greatest game ever made  :-@

(trying something new -- 50G dl elsewhere, taking home on disk)
From: william (WILLIAMA)13 Jul 2023 20:50
I think most of us have done similar. GOG-only 24 hrs before the offer expires makes a fortune this way. I went out with Sue Jennings for six months before she realised I was a shabby knock-off of the real thing.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Jul 2023 10:42
To: william (WILLIAMA) 3 of 4
The official Steam instructions for 'transferring' a dl game between devices (both most be on the lan, with Steam up and running) was unworkable for me, so I installed it to a Win10 pc at fast dl (100 Mbps) location, copied the >50GB (~3-hr dl) game files to an external usb hdd (one thing that surprised me was that Win 10 recognized NFS shares out of the box), and brought it home, copied same to my Win 7 pc and then when I went to install, Steam found the copy and had to dl another 2GB, which took an hour @ 1 Mbps. So that worked. I did play for about a half-hour, falling off a cliff a dozen times while trying to get to point B. Cheat sheet says I need to shoot a dead tree with an explosive bullet so it falls across the ravine. So far it's like every game I started on; anxiety over whether it will be playable on my rig (yes -ish), frustration with having to learn new stuff, mixed with anticipation of (eventually) doing all the bad things promised in the trailer.
EDITED: 14 Jul 2023 10:42 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)26 Jul 2023 20:14
To: ALL4 of 4
This turned out to be a pretty ace game, on par with Far Cry 3-4, call it 3.5. The graphics and NPC animations are very good even at all low graphics settings (YMMV). It is playable but choppy at 1080p on my budget rig, about the same as FC4. The missions are satisfyingly challenging but not impossible, and the maps are open world. Bonus: it's not Ubisoft.