Upgrading graphics card on an old Dell Precision

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Mar 2022 15:43
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 18 of 22
Well it's one of those weird things where the pandemic and WFH reared its ugly head, so it got pressed into full-time service in that role, which it does great.

I'll have to consider another arrangement soonish, since arguably it should be on its last legs, I have to refresh the Ubuntu LTS it's running anyway and yada. Hopefully I can keep using it for a dev box, if I can sort out the gui issue, maybe try a different legacy gpu for that.

I've tried quite a few different de's and settled on xfce for being lightweight and stable, with no stupid wannabe OSX/Windows eye candy BS.
EDITED: 24 Mar 2022 15:43 by DSMITHHFX
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Mar 2022 11:20
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 19 of 22
Nice to see this one resolved.

But really, why aren't your sister's workplace providing a computer?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Mar 2022 19:35
To: ANT_THOMAS 20 of 22

If I could share more details, everyone would be asking why they're not requiring the use of machines they've provided, pre-configured and suitably locked-down, but why be competent when you can be cheap?

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)31 Mar 2022 21:04
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 21 of 22
Hope they're all stocked up on BTC.
From: ANT_THOMAS 1 Apr 2022 08:46
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 22 of 22
Worse than not just providing staff with correct tools then. Worrying.