Stillwater (2021) TWR

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)19 Aug 2021 14:18
To: ALL2 of 20
Spoiler: little miss sunshine don't do a striptease.
From: william (WILLIAMA)19 Aug 2021 22:42
Rotten Tomatoes averages 75% but with dissenting voices. Other critics are saying it's a croc of shit. Poor little Matt's journey seems to have had a lot in common with crocs of shit lately - mainly his unfailing ability to stamp in it whichever way he turns.

There's no doubt (in my mind) that he can be a fabulous actor. As a human being, though, my private jury is still out, and I'm beginning to think he's a bit of a prat.

So what did you think of this movie? Is it worth watching?
From: Matt19 Aug 2021 23:11
Jason Bored
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Aug 2021 10:58
To: william (WILLIAMA) 5 of 20
From: william (WILLIAMA)20 Aug 2021 11:13
Happy to take your word for it. I'll give it a miss.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Aug 2021 17:54
To: william (WILLIAMA) 7 of 20
Let me qualify that: we went to see it in the theatre as a compromise between Suicide Squad (too violent) and Jungle Cruise (too kiddie). Mrs.D is a sort of Matt Damon fan, and I've not seen anything of his I regretted, until now that is. OK, I sort of regretted Martian, but I also quite liked his role in Interstellar where he played against type. That was deffo unexpected, and cool.

As you probably know, this one is sort of based off a true story, that of Amanda Knox, who complained about how everyone is making money on her story, and the movie is basically untrue. I don't really care about that, but perhaps the publicists should have refrained from making the claim. I think it works better as fiction anyway, which I'm pretty sure it mostly is, unless you'd rather call it conjecture.

Suffice to say the movie's denouement is ridiculously implausible.

It proceeds as a whodunnit, that's its strength, and sort of holds it together for most of the duration.

Damon's performance, as scripted and directed (whatever) is its weakness. Well that, and aforementioned plot shenanigans.
EDITED: 20 Aug 2021 17:57 by DSMITHHFX
From: william (WILLIAMA)20 Aug 2021 19:47
He was good in Good Will Hunting (not brilliant but good). Excellent in the Talented Mr Ripley. Excellent in the Bourne Identity, good in the Bourne Supremacy and kind of OK but coasting in the others. I kind of feel he's coasting in most other things I've seen him in. Yeah, he was good in Interstellar but the film irritated the fuck out of me which didn't help.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Aug 2021 21:54
To: william (WILLIAMA) 9 of 20
I hated Interstellar, but he did a good turn playing to type until suddenly not, to stunning effect.

Yeah he's had a number of good roles, Ripley is right up there. I also like him in Departed and Brothers Grimm. I think he put in an effort for this one, but was miscast, and the whole project has shuddering defects from the get-go.
From: william (WILLIAMA)21 Aug 2021 14:17
I was going to ask why you hated Interstellar, but the more I thought about it, the more good reasons emerged, not least the spurious claims that it was all very really and truly "scientific", when it was actually just horribly wrong at almost every turn. The killer for me was basically the ending, the very long and complicated ending, fashionably trying to explain elements from the beginning, which actually boiled down to a magic wand being waved and then it was all fine and dandy. Even the 7th Voyage of Sinbad had more respect for its magical logic than Interstellar, which was packed tight with unexplained and actually inexplicable garbage that Nolan hoped we wouldn't spot under the shiny smoke and mirrors of "THEN VERY ODD THINGS HAPPENED". I'd feel even more irritated by the multitude of blogs, articles, and videos purporting to explain the ending, were they not so pitiable.

I suppose there's a loose sort of comparison to be made with 2001, but I never much liked the ending of that either. Especially not the stupid rubber chicken baby.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)21 Aug 2021 15:32
To: william (WILLIAMA) 11 of 20
"In 2067, crop blights and dust storms threaten humanity's survival." (from Wikipedia)

Yeah we were all kind of hoping it would hold off for that long. Instead ...
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Aug 2021 13:18
To: william (WILLIAMA) 12 of 20
This seems appropos ...
one of those speculative fictions that are at once undernourished and overcooked. It makes no sense (despite all the explaining), but it draws you in with genre beats, pretty people and the professional polish of its machined parts. It’s shiny and pricey and looks good on the big screen

(for another Nolan project -- Christopher's brother Jonathan, who co-wrote Interstellar -- "Reminiscence" )
From: william (WILLIAMA)25 Aug 2021 14:16
Yeah, that's about it. 

Been thinking about the 2001 comparison as per my last post etc. and wondering why I can stomach the cod-science/smoke & mirrors ending in that, but not in Interstellar. Apart from the fact that Kubrick was a far better director than Nolan and 2001 is a far better film, I think it's that in 2001 there isn't really any attempt to explain the ending or fool the audience that an explanation is present. There is an attempt to (sort of) depict Bowman's experience. I don't think it's done especially well, particularly in comparison to the stunning earlier parts (and the rubber baby is just awful in every possible way) but it isn't deceitful.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Aug 2021 15:59
To: william (WILLIAMA) 14 of 20
That NYT review also brings up "Westworld," which is another (part-) Jonathon Nolan project.

So far we have watched Seasons 1, 2, and most of 3 of that ... although it has similar defects, along with concessions to pop culture ("gunplay and hot women," as the review puts it), wears considerably better than the movie projects (IMO). Probably because the length (serialization) allows the story to develop in some, half-coherent fashion. There's cleverness in the way the 'what is reality' trope folds in on itself over and over in terms of character self-awareness, and how the characters use this awareness to level up and on to the next boss fight.

Continuing in this vein, the other thing that struck me about Westworld is that the sets, environments and NPCs are modeled on video games I have played, at least on a generic level (some are eerily close) -- this anchors the premise in some sort of relatable scenario (at least to me).
From: william (WILLIAMA)25 Aug 2021 16:09
Keep meaning to watch Westworld.

But, I mean, which Nolan do I blame for Interstellar?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Aug 2021 16:34
To: william (WILLIAMA) 16 of 20
From: william (WILLIAMA)25 Aug 2021 17:13
S'pose so
From: william (WILLIAMA)25 Aug 2021 18:21
To: william (WILLIAMA) 18 of 20
Oh, hang on 
wears considerably better than the movie projects (IMO)
you mean Chris & Jonah's projects? The original Westworld movie was a belter (IMO) even if it's a different prospect altogether from the cable series by JN and LJ.
From: william (WILLIAMA)25 Aug 2021 18:33
To: william (WILLIAMA) 19 of 20
Mr Crichton isn't exactly famed as a director, but Westworld was spot on. I suppose his main skill was crystallising ideas that were floating around into money-making stories. But, hey, good for him. Loads of people who are famous in their fields were skilled in picking the sexy out of what everyone was talking about. 

And Stillwater, not so good.
EDITED: 25 Aug 2021 20:09 by WILLIAMA
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Aug 2021 21:36
To: william (WILLIAMA) 20 of 20
I liked the movie ok, but I like the series, at least the first two seasons, better.