What happened to 9.5mm hard drives?

From: ANT_THOMAS13 Oct 2020 16:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 of 6
Because I've seen SSD prices dropping significantly across the last few months. Whether or not they're are the bottom yet, who knows, but they've definitely been going down more than 10%.
From: koswix14 Oct 2020 22:12
To: ANT_THOMAS 5 of 6
It's true. You get 128gb SSDs with 4 tokens from special packs of Cornflakes these days.

I'm not going to bite until there's one free in the box, though. 
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Oct 2020 13:46
To: koswix 6 of 6
Heh, the cursed four words that meant you're not actually getting what they show...

"Hey look, this is cool"

"Yeah, I saw but it's a see back of pack"

"Oh. :("