13 tzameti TWR

From: graphitone26 Mar 2019 18:14
S'good innit?

The tension in the final round is practically palatable.

The only thing that annoyed me was the way the French postal service works. Towards the beginning there's a bit where the la postie arrives at the house when the dude's repairing the roof. There's an external mail box on the gate. He puts the letters through the slot. The house owner then comes to collect the mail and opens the top of the mailbox to retrieve her post without unlocking it in any way. Why does the postman not just do that when depositing the letters?

EDITED: 26 Mar 2019 19:24 by GRAPHITONE
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)26 Mar 2019 23:39
To: graphitone 10 of 10
Your powers of observation certainly exceed mine... I was preoccupied with counting the bodies.